
Code generator for GraphQL client

View the Project on GitHub mihailpw/GraphQlClientCodeGenerator

GraphQL Client Code Generator

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Config docs

schemaUri (string) - uri of GraphQL schema.

generator (string) - generator name. Currently supported: dotnetcore.

name (string) - name of generation. In case if outputToFolder=true file will be saved with current name. Default value Generated.cs.

innerLevelOfType (int) - inner level of-type construction. Default value 4.

outputToFolder (bool) - specify should generated text save to file. Default value true.

outputFolderPath (string) - path of folder to save file. Default value ./.

outputToConsole (bool) - specify should generated text shown to console. Default value false.

namespace (string) - specify namespace of generated classes. Default value GraphQlClient.

mainClientFactoryClassName (string) - specify class name of client factory. Default value AppClientFactory.

generateDocs (bool) - specify should docs generated in classes. Default value false.

generateInputObjectConstructor (bool) - specify should constructor generated in input type DTOs. Default value true.

typeNaming(object) - specify type names modification during generation. All entries (will call Entry) have removeRegex (specifies regex pattern to remove text of type’s name) and buildFormat (specifies format of new type’s name) fields. typeNaming includes: