
Code generator for GraphQL client

View the Project on GitHub mihailpw/GraphQlClientCodeGenerator

GraphQL Client Code Generator

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DotNetCore sample

Create separate project for API calling. I’ll name it GQLS.ApiClient.

Install GraphQL Client Code Generator using nuget package (docs). Add build event to project for autogenerating in case of rebuild:

<Target Name="PreBuild" BeforeTargets="PreBuildEvent">
  <Exec Command="$(GqlccgExe_x64) run /variables:Configuration=$(Configuration)" />

Make sure you set exe file name correctly.

Next step is to create config file. Please, read docs and use config creator. Also you can create initial config json file if run generator with --config-create command line argument.

If your config file doesn’t located the same folder with generator and/or named different from config.json - you have to specify config path for generator with --config "file_path/file_name.json" command line argument.

Current generator depends on GraphQL.Client library. You can install this library run in Package Manager Console following command:

Install-Package GraphQL.Client -Version 2.0.0-alpha.3

Please, make sure you install GraphQL.Client version 2+.

After that you can build your project.

Now you can use it!

Sample code available on GitHub.